Summer is nearly upon us and we are all starting to look at the fashion trends. There’s so many awesome choices each year that are so versatile, stylish, and just down right cute! Fashion is something we all care about, we all want to look nice when we need to, and we all want to make sure to stay up on the trends, so let’s check out some of the hottest fashion lifehacks you’re going to see rocking the streets.
1. Bright Colors
Seems like summer is the time for neon and that’s not in short supply this year. Hot pink, hot blue, and everything in between, the “Crayola” look that’s hit the runways already is something you’re not going to want to miss out on. From dresses to skirts to blouses, you’re definitely going to make a statement when you show up somewhere in your bright colored ensemble.
2. Pastels
If bright colors aren’t your thing then have no fear, pastels will be your alternate go-to this summer. Pale yellows, lilac colored purses (which is going to be the hottest color BTW) and even cream, you’re bound to look like a model when you’re rocking some feminine pastel colored outfits this season.
3. Suit Shorts
This look has been around for a bit but it’s finally hitting the mainstream fashion world. The top half looks like a regular old well-tailored suit, the bottom half however is some longer (think Bermuda) shorts that come to the knee. Topped off with some loafers-typically no socks- and your guy will be fit for the summer fashion world with this look. Not one of my faves but definitely could have potential I suppose.
4. Puffy Sleeves
One of the biggest fashion icons of the 1980s was Princess Diana. She always looked so regal and on point for her time that her looks will remain timeless and classic and gorgeous. This yea is the 20th anniversary of the Princess’ death and fashion designers are giving her a nod with their new looks. The puffy sleeves on blouses, jackets, dresses, and more will be a major fashion DO this summer according to the red carpet. Just make sure you don’t throw your side pony in quite yet…
5. Florals
This is a fashion trend I can definitely get behind! Floral print is back y’all! While this was popular in the fall with darker colors, this summer will see a return of the floral in light blues and brighter yellows on dresses. A nice floral blouse with some shorts will also grab the attention of others and have you looking like you stepped out of a magazine. The dress style to have with your florals? Midi Dresses all the way this season!
6. Tropical Prints
Summer isn’t summer without some beachy fashion-wear and this year is no different. Tropical prints are going to make a big and bold statement this summer. Bright colors paired with leafy looking prints and even big flowers, your Hawaiian inspired ensemble is going to have all eyes on you-especially if you pair it with some oversized necklaces or a matching turban.
7. Oversize Bags
Big to small to big again. Seems the fashion world is never content when it comes to accessories and your purse is one of them. Big bags used to be in a few years ago, then everyone switched to the smaller crossbody bag, and now, big bags are back. Check out any Target right now and all you’re going to find is duffle-sized purses! These big bags will make you happy though because you’ll finally be able to throw everything you could ever imagine in it and still have room left over. No more struggling to decide what needs to go in your bag because this one will hold it all.
8. Statement Earrings
Along with the rest of your outfit, your earrings are not going to skate by without making a statement this season! Make sure your earrings are just as bold and beautiful as the rest of you and you’re going to look like a fashion icon amongst your group of friends. And don’t worry about spending the money on some good earrings, because according to the fashion experts, this look isn’t going to be leaving anytime soon.
9. Feathers and Fringe
Of course not together, but feathers and fringe are two looks that are hippie-chic this season, Fringe across necklines and the bottom of dresses is going to look classy, simple, and totally on point, while the fluffy feather look all over your outfit of the day will have you looking haute to the max. Just make sure you check your weather before venturing out in these ensembles because the feathered look is NOT rain friendly.
February 23, 2021
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